
Welcome to website No. 1,332 by Bizi!
Okay, yes. It's a nickname.. but one I've had for a decade or longer now.. At this point, its morphed into something all it's own and I do play off it (hence the title of this site).

But, really... I have a bad habit of compulsively building websites. I've been like that since I was like, 12 or something. Believe it or not, its a creative outlet for me. I guess I should explain that I was Home Schooled (actual tutor, not by parents) off and on regularly growing up, so I decided to tinker with making websites out of boredom and it grew from there.  Ultimately, I'm self-taught in old school coding... or "longhand" HTML,  as I refer to it... but knowing this also allows me to read and understand CSS/Java, etc - even if I can't "write" these from scratch (which, in present day & age, are typically made from generators anyway).

I fell off the Code Wagon when I switched from coding to learning how to make my own graphics. So, even though I can decently piecemeal myself through a website and still manage to sneak in my own graphics, neither are exceptionally mind blowing or fancy.

       [Q] Why didn't you pursue graphic design as a job?
(Note: almost did. scouted the Art Institute of Chicago)
       [A] Easy, because my worst client was my sister.
(Amazing #throwback pic, I'm the baby.)

The whole experience ruined the entire therapeutic aspect for me and I immediately realized I wasn't going to let someone else dictate my artistic expression. In the end, we managed to surface alive, but having learned some valuable lessons. Now that I have a legit job, I cherish the fact I left it specifically for my mental escape... because it's coming in handy like CRAZY with this pandemic going on. I do also happen to dabble in real paint & brush, oil, acrylic, you know....  canvas art -  but that shit is a whole other story. Too messy, too expensive. Ugh...

D U T Y   •   W O R K   •   P R O F E S S I O N

I used to be a complete workaholic as (all shifts) Trauma Imaging at a Major Hospital. I used to be a lot of things when it came to work... and then there was a straw that broke my back. I had to put my foot down, tired of being used & abused, and made a gigantic leap of faith over to a completely different department (same hospital) where I gained back my sanity, a newfound appreciation of work/life balance, and finally being around people who know what the term "TEAM" means. Instead of being bullied (ie: blatantly blackmailed) into working EVERY shift known to man, I now walk away at 3:30pm... and that's on a bad day. 

In 2021, I left the toxic Trauma Imaging and moved into my new home, Interventional Radiology. My particular location is a Hybrid Site, so we run 4 different departments in 1: Cath Lab, Neuro, IR, and EP. Cath Lab handles the Heart Attacks (and Stents, CardioVersions, etc.). Neuro handles the Strokes (and other brain diagnostics). Interventional Radiology handles the GI Bleeds (or pulmonary embolisms, aortic dissections, liver lacerations from car wrecks, severed arteries from shootings/stabbings, etc.) and Electro-Physiology is where we do Pacemakers (and other "electrical" stuff). Honestly, I had absolutely NO clue what I was getting into, but God granted me access and I would never change it. I LOVE being in this department.

B E A U T Y   •   B O D Y   •   F I T N E S S
Originally, a large part of what inspired me to make this blog was my beauty interests, regiments, & routines. I know that has sort of taken a backseat to bigger deals going on in my life, but I do hope to come back around to it. Originally, it started right after I graduated college a few years ago: I was desperate to finally splurge on something that was fun, self care-ish, and NOT SCHOOL... but I had no idea where to start -- and let's be real, this shit is way too expensive to just go blindly into the makeup abyss. So, not knowing what else to do, I signed up for IPSY. (and over time, I even tried Sephora Play!, Birchbox, etc.) It was actually incredibly useful and is what catapulted my beauty stash to where it is today.

I started slow, wading through an ocean of YouTube videos on how to "contour"... realizing I have a ghost-like complexion and none of the techniques were really suitable for me.
highly recommend to other newbies, to start off with a regular retailer (in particular, Target is good because it has an overlap of products you can find at Ulta). Don't jump right into the Name Brand or Specialty Stores (Sephora; Makeup Forever) until you have at least tried a winning, kick-ass trial. Again, all this shit is way too expensive. Plus, it will not take you long to have the exposure to the variety.
DISCLAIMER: Be aware that dabbling in these trial sizes will almost always result in finding a "holy grail" product that you feel you can't live without. They are rarely cheap... so pace yourself! Your make-up stash will grow exponentially, so prepare for the influx.

Should you decide to try one of these monthly makeup subscriptions, you'll need a place to put all the swag. One thing I've grown obsessed with is my spinning makeup organizer. The shelves are adjustable and it accommodates SO MUCH CRAP without leaving my counter a disaster. I'll know a sample is a keeper if it makes its way onto the organizer. I managed to pick mine up from Walmart a few years ago, but now it must be in a specific contract with QVC  because you can't find it there anymore (its not on Amazon either, but you can find similar ones.)
Interested? Check out similar ones on Amazon.      [ S H O P ]

F O O D I E   •  D I E T   •   H E A L T H
At the beginning of 2019, I was trying to tackle some slight regain of weight. Jan/Feb/Mar had me borderline obsessed with counting calories and growing increasingly frustrated because NOTHING was happening. I made absolutely no progress. So, as I rolled into April, I decided to look at what KETO was all about.

In the first week, I dropped 10 lbs. Then every week following I lost more and more weight. It was small, consistent loss (still a victory!) for 3 to 4 months, until I hit my target weight... when I switched to maintaining. 

Fast forward to 2022, I'd like to say I'm still working Keto. Unfortunately I'm not. It stopped working after a while and my body simply didn't respond as well as it did when I first started. My current dietary regiment consists of 4 Nights of HelloFresh dinners (which my Significant Otter decided he owns all cooking rights to; I'm not complaining) This allows for the occasional late-night at work or the inevitable "Take Out" because we don't feel like cooking... and I use SnapKitchen for my breakfasts & lunches (while at work). I try to keep to limited snacking ... though I've notice they are still considered Keto-ish. What can I say... old habits die hard. 

This might seems Boujie as fuck to some of you, but I had been going so hard for so long with meal prepping and lunch packing --- when the fatigue finally hit, it was paralyzing. We are doing this for sanity reasons. And... as long as our lifestyle permits it, what's the harm. Final Thoughts: It's actually the first combination to yield weight loss results in about a year. So there's that.

My Trap House King.
T H E   S I G N I F I C A N T  O T T E R     [A]
I have lovingly referred to him as "My Captive" in some of my house-related blog posts, but in reality... he's totally along for this ride.

He gets animated and can be incredibly passionate about things near-&-dear to him... (just like me!). He humors me and all my wild ideas. He's responsive, fun, and has a tendency to let me get away with WAY too much (and maybe vice-versa).....

He loves playing Ice Hockey (being from the NY/PA area, I guess that's a given), can out Golf anyone I know, loves midnight bowls of cereal, and drinks more water than a camel. He's into all the sports you can think of, he's super loud (sometimes obnoxious.. might be the New Yorker part, or it very well could be that he's Italian - tough call) but honestly, he's mostly my polar opposite. However, beneath that loud, rough & tumble exterior, there's a good, kind person in there who also isn't afraid of hard work.

Uprooting & relocating immediately before a global pandemic was a really fucked cosmic alignment. Even in spite of our city shuddering for the better part of a year, staggering national unemployment rates, corporate opportunities mostly in "hiring freezes" and everyone switching to working from home or remotely, he managed to keep a level head and made shit happen. He persevered and now he has managed to land one of those coveted Work-From-Home, Make-Your-Own-Hours jobs.... just in time for our next venture.
