Embryo Transfer Day!

We survived our first IVF FET. Today was the day. I am home now, have slept off the Valium (WOW it was strong) and we've been trying to adjust to our new realization that - as of right now, I am actually pregnant.

There's a legit, fertilized, week old embryo, who was aggressively making a jailbreak from his shell (the doctor was repeatedly commenting on how AWESOME it was) chilling in my uterus.

Baby's First Pic:

So, that pic was walked back to us after the Embryologist verified it successfully survived the thaw. She had a glowing report about how great it was doing and that it was already expanding!

Between the time we got our "Baby's First Picture" and were seeing the embryo collection on the TV screen, it had already busted out of the shell completely (this was only approximately 15 minutes)!!!

Here's the breakdown of how the day went:

8:15 - ALARM (snoozed)
8:30 - ALARM, got up and took morning doses of medications and got in the shower.
9:50 - HEAD OUT, our arrival time was scheduled for 10:45.
10:30 - ARRIVAL at Fertility Surgery Center, reception, paperwork, Cryo-Center is notified we are in-house.
11:00 - PATIENT ROOM, taken back, vitals taken, given hospital gowns/garb for myself and Otter.
11:30 - FERTILITY RN - Valium is given. We chill, giving it time to take effect. It only takes about 10 or 15 minutes and I am already dozing on the stretcher. Hits me hard!
12:00 - EMBRYOLOGIST - comes to give us the photo of our over-achiever embryo. She's so stoked about how great it is! Can't lie, her excitement is contagious.
12:10ish- SURGERY SUITE - walked back, get situated, all  monitors hooked up and it's go time!
12:20ish - COLLECTION, on the huge tv screen we watch the Embryologist verify all our information on the embryo housing, once verified, she collects the embryo (fully hatched and ready to party!), they walk it into our surgery suite, and the procedure is started.
12:26 - IMPLANTATION into Uterus (by timestamp on the Ultrasound Photo)
12:30 - PROCEDURE end time. Unhooked from monitors, RN walks us back to our room, she gives us further instructions, take remaining medications that were reserved for Post-Transfer. We leave!

Afterwards, I was still quite loopy from the valium, so I just wanted a Starbucks and some Pho for lunch. Obviously, we got both to-go.

I had about half my Pho, and promptly passed out on the couch. I woke up about 3 or 4pm and have just been loafing it up, not doing much. Started tinkering on the website (oh, yeah - I started a fucking business). A little bit of Rabbit-Holing on reddit and other sites, not making much substantial progress on anything. LOL

We are just kind of mentally wandering in this weird, SHOCKED silence. We can't quite articulate what emotion it is. We are just kind of stunned. I had to go through at least 3 medication protocols, and then a 8 week medicated waiting period to gauge if a few random cysts on my Left Ovary were a threat or just annoying (spoiler: they were just annoying and non-responsive to hormones, thus we proceeded). On my birthday last week is when we got news our transfer day would be today. WHAT A BIRTHDAY PRESENT.

Now time to add the countdowns to the website LOL.