IVF Timeline (3): The ERA Biopsy

I realize my last entry was in October '22.  Fast forward 5 months and we are now almost the last week of March '23. It's been almost a full year from our Egg Donor news. Since October, I could have sat down and given a bunch of micro-updates along the way, but I'd rather given entries with more substance. Here's what been happening:

DECEMBER 2022 //
CYCLE 1 - ERA Prep

Early December hit and I went ahead and reached out to the fertility clinic as my follow-up mammo was getting super close. I've come to learn that my facility has a pretty strong "continue as planned; results pending" mentality and I adore that about them. I let them know when my CD 1 for December was and they decided I could go ahead and start my first round of medications - since this was for my ERA Biopsy cycle, and not the actual Frozen Embryo Transfer (aka essentially a "practice round.")

So, while I may use the phrase "Practice Round," its important to know that they have to be able to make my body duplicate literally every step of the process with no surprises in order to have a solid belief the OFFICIAL Embryo Transfer Cycle will work/go according to plan. So as frustrated as I was getting, I also completely understood the need to restart.

JANUARY 2023 //

My Day 3 [Baseline Ultrasound] was scheduled for Thursday, Jan 5, and my follow-up Mammo was Friday, Jan 6. Ironically, my ultrasound showed a follicle, thus cancelling my tentative ERA Biopsy. The meds I had started were supposed to suppress ovulation and if I was still making eggs, that meant the meds weren't working the way they wanted them to. I already knew (instinctually) that I was going to need stronger meds in order to overcome this stubborn need to Ovulate. However the clinic wanted to attempt a restart of the same protocol - ugh, whatever. So we wait for my next CD 1... Luckily that was only waiting until Jan 21.

CYCLE 2 - ERA Prep

I started the exact same protocol as I had for Cycle 1... and yes, I was totally sour about it. This time, the Day 3 [Baseline Ultrasound] seemed fine... but the Day 10 [Lining Check] looked like I had just released a follicle. I was so fucking irritated, and jacked up on hormones. However, they quickly agreed that since this was now a "trend" and not a "fluke" like they originally thought, they'd go ahead and -yes- up to the stronger medications. Cool. Even better news: the injectable regiment was to be implemented right after ovulation, so for me and my failed Cycle 2 attempt, that was in the same week! Yay for no time lost.

FEBRUARY 2023 //
CYCLE 3 - ERA Prep

So since Lupron 10ui injections were to follow ovulation, that began on Friday, Feb 3. Again, because of how this was falling in line with period cycles (not calendar months), we only had to wait about 10 more days for CD 1. This time around, the freaking Lupron worked. Day 3 [Baseline Ultrasound] was clear! Then, my Lining Check also came back clear! Now we implement a fistful of other meds, and switch the injections to Progesterone in Oil (hurts more than the Lupron). and my ERA is finally on target for March 7th.

MARCH 2023 //

I was finally able to successfully complete the ALICE + EMMA + ERA Biopsy on March 7th. We continued as normal, and would cease if the results were negative. However, it took exactly 2 weeks to get the results back from IGENOMIX -- 100% Clear, No Infection, No Endo, and Uterus is "Receptive." 

So here we are, I feel like this is a good place to cut this entry. Summarizing that it took 3 Cycle attempts to figure out the right medication protocol - JUST TO GET TO THE BIOPSY. 

I have been filling my time with working in my planner. Trying to have the most streamlined medication checklist humanly possible. Because I will say THE AMNESIA IS REAL. I literally couldn't remember conversations we just had or things discussed much less trying to remember if I took a plethora of time-sensitive medications. There's been some further tweaking, but this is how nice and tidy I had gotten it to look. This was my Lifeline to Sanity.

And just for my own record keeping purposes: Here's the protocol -


Cycle Day 13
Started Lupron 10iu injections 1x daily

- continued Lupron 10iu injections 1x daily @ 8AM
until my next Baseline Ultrasound / CD3-


Notify Rebecca on CD 1 for a CD 3 Baseline Ultrasound
If U/S is Clear:
Begin Estradiol,  2mg  2x daily  (8AM & 8PM)
while continuing the  1x Daily   Lupron injection, but reducing to   5iu @ 8AM.


Increase Estradiol to 3x Daily 8AM/ 2PM/ 8PM
and 1x Daily Lupron 5ui - 8AM


(Approximate Ovulation Timeframe)

Estradiol  2mg, 2x Daily...  8AM/ 8PM
Edometrin (Vag Suppository) 2x Daily  8AM/ 8PM
Progesterone in Oil injection, 1x daily. 8PM


Post ERA, Reduce all meds to 1x Daily Progesterone PILL. No more injectables.