Can I get a Countdown?

Just hung up the phone from the Psychologist. We have our Pre-IVF session scheduled for Wednesday, July 13th. I had my Mammogram last week. Unfortunately, it was my first one ever and they warned me well in advance that First-Timers are routinely called back for more images since there is nothing to compare it to. As expected, I was called back. My follow-up for more imaging is the day before our Psychology appointment. So both items will be checked off next week! 

The latest "hurdle" has been nailing down a donor! HOLY SHIT do they move fast. I will bookmark a favorite and go back a day later and they have already been stolen! Jesus. In our situation alone, like 5 of my top choices have disappeared across a variety of websites. As of right now, We have currently have 1 (newly added) top contender that I have flagged "reserved" and I'm waiting to see (1) how many eggs are available, (2) what her particular price is, and then (3) price out the timeline of their shipping.

We decided to increase our budget slightly. When we originally decided to go with 4 eggs, that was right at $10,000.00 and buying a Partial Lot (a la carte) like that offered no security (or guarantee on eggs to embryos, etc) and we would be out the money no matter what. When we increased our budget, to buy us a full Cohort (aka Lot, or Batch) it increased the egg count to a minimum of 6, and part of the guarantee is that the egg bank will replace your lot if it fails. This only upped the price point by $5,000.00 so I felt it was worth having the "insurance."

I played with our numbers and realized we could still pull it off with the same Loan amount. We can also still cover our Round #2, if it comes to that.