Something Brewing

I know I've had a lot of updates lately. This is probably the biggest one, so fasten your seatbelt. Well, my Significant Otter and I have launched/began the Fertility Quest. I was researching some things concerning my medical history and I came across some not so nice age-related news. Ultimately, that was the prompter for this whole thing. Before I did much else, I started researching facilities and physician reviews. I found one that had consistently rave reviews - even though their particular facility had some somewhat mixed reviews, I still decided to go with this specific physician. I am very grateful I found this doctor, I am thrilled with how we were received as patients, and his optimism is definitely needed.

C O M P L E T E D  S O  F A R

  • Initial Consult w/ Normal New Patient Intake
  • 1st Ultrasound Assessment
        Tilted Uterus, 1 Fibroid, Follicular Cyst (follows ovulation)
  • Successful HSG
        No blockages, No Right Tube (gasp), otherwise Unremarkable.
  • His & Hers Lab Workups
        Completed & Submitted
  • 2nd Ultrasound Assessment is this Thursday
        Following Up on that Follicular Cyst.

It's very hard remaining guarded when I'm surrounded by optimism (from both Otter and Doctor). I've been super transparent with my Preceptor (who is totally stoked) and have a lot of support all around. It's weird. I guess I wasn't expecting it to be as... "Nice" as it currently is. I think I was holding my breath about spilling the beans with my Preceptor because I know generally, "Pregnancy" is the absolute last thing a new employer wants to hear. I was surprised when she came back and was full-on in "Family First" mode. 

She does know a lot of my history, so I think she understands that just because we're attempting does not necessarily mean it will be successful

I can pretty much pinpoint the moment I let out my breath in a sigh of relief. I need the positive support in my life. We've even discussed how I'll switch to being the Monitor Extraordinaire in the lab (instead of scrubbing all the cases), and how flexible our Manager is with everyone in the lab. I was discussing the topic of childcare and how it's highway robbery. Otter and I were tossing around ideas and options about Work From Home for him - and my Preceptor threw out that I could probably approach management about switching to 3x12s or 4x10s. Or even dropping to Part Time with lots of Call... lots of different options. And it all was a huge comfort. Insane, how much having a support system can ease your mind. Like, I said.. it's hard staying guarded when there is so much optimism.

Otherwise, I started looking into what all the Invitae screens for (there's A LOT) and I had to dial it back a bit. I mean.. Everything from some Rods/Cones Eye disorders, to Kidney Filtration Disorders. I had to stop looking because I was like.... sheesh... and it was just a tad overwhelming seeing nothing but example after example of totally different disorders. Luckily, I've not heard of 99% of these, so clearly they do not run in my genetics/family. Otter also submitted his, so it will be interesting to see if anything comes up flagged for our 2 specific gene pools.

Once I realized I had to walk away from investigating all potential genetic disorders, I switched gears and started getting curious about baby furniture. I think I have a color scheme & possible theme brewing. My OCD self will set a budget and a purchasing timeline so I don't get overwhelmed.

Yeah Right.