Grand Opening

WOW. Moving right along with all the crazy update posts. I will "circle back around" and say that my Otter Half did land the job. He blew his interview out of the water, so much so that the panel of interviewers all wanted to offer him a position. One was Compliance, one was the Property Management, and one was Marketing. Personally, I've never had that kind of response from an interview, so he was appropriately ecstatic. I've never really heard of someone being able to pick a roll they wanted to pursue, like this.

After some deliberation, he ended up sticking with Property Management, with his response still impressing everyone (myself included): he figured this would be the best position to start in order to thoroughly learn how operations work internally - that way, he would have a better understanding of the ins-and-outs as he continued growing as an employee.

So, he started his new job and they have since completed the construction on "his" property (he was training at a sister property for the first few months) and they have opened, and are now in the process of moving in the first round of tenants. I was curious and asked how many are actually there, and right now, it's about 10 units that are occupied.

As for right now (I anticipate the newness will wear off) he is thrilled with his location. He is in the heart of downtown, in one of the fastest growing cities in the US, in one of the most competitive markets. I was able to tour the building and saw the "view" in some of these units. Holy. Cow. Panoramic view of the entire downtown skyline. I think the trek into downtown might fall into a different opinion once he's there for a while.... which leads to my next update.

There has been some carrot-dangling comments from "Corporate" alluding to he and his team moving to the next property (currently under construction) once this building is 100% leased. He is totally on board and is excited for that also, since it will cut his commute in half. It's closer to home, and I believe it will be a bigger property with a completely different footprint. 

He is excited to be experiencing some of the normal benefits from a decent job - PTO (already used it!), having medical benefits (used this too!), weekends off (with the random/potential exception for deadlines.) and a predictable pay check. He has a great relationship with his boss, he has a lot of leniency and flexibility where it counts, and his work-related mental health is top notch. All things that are super important.