Someone Deserving

So I'm going to take a moment here to put it in the Cosmos that my other half is currently in the final steps of making a potential Career Transition. He has been working so insanely diligently to complete his Real Estate & Property Management education so that he can officially change into a more flourishing career. 

After everyone shuttered their doors last year (and the resulting layoffs) due to Corona, we had a serious discussion about him wanting to change into a career path that offered more security in the long run. He is wonderful at everything he does, but the Hospitality/F&B/Bar Management industry was a difficult one to adjust to (I'll admit, it was me). The late hours, the intoxicated people... the whole vibe was unsettling for me. Yes, I'm the one with the insecurities.  

Him.. being his normal, super receptive self, was on board with trying to get out of the current industry. We put our heads together and, oddly, it came to us while we were out grocery shopping -- Real Estate. We had been discussing what were some options that had quickest turn-around for lowest investment... and something that could supplement his Bachelor's Degree in Pre-Law. 

I immediately got online and started scouring all the details. It appeared to be achievable in a single semester (since he already had a degree), and every course could be taken online (another "must" since he was working crazy hours at his interim job).

He muscled through an entire super-full time load of courses while still working 60 hours a week... but to our dismay, we were corrected on the amount of classes needed - he would need 2 supplemental courses to be done. That felt like a super brutal slap in the face (but he still persevered!)  Nevertheless, he knocked it all out with a straight 4.0... Summa Cum Laude, baby!! He even got pursued by Fraternities - which he really got a kick out of.

Ironically, his Pre-Law background completely complemented all the Real Estate contents. It never dawned on me, but Real Estate consists entirely of legal contracts... so the fact he is primed in understanding legally binding documents, legal verbiage, and other legal nuances - made him a perfect fit. When it came time for him to pick his supplemental course load, he chose Asset Acquisition & Property Management. Well, he ended up falling in love with it. Which, again, never dawned on me as being an option. 

Now we were really cookin'. Not only was he completely utilizing his pre-existing degree (that's a ridiculous amount of hard work being put to use) but now he is zeroing in on a particular segment of this field that won't be "commission based."

Holy. Shit.  

To say that I am excited for him is a complete understatement. I am a huge advocate of school and how much it can change your life. While I know he already had a degree, it also just needed some harnessing... and Covid was not helping. I am excited that he felt a direct connection/ calling/ attraction to the field he is now pursuing. I am excited for him to have his own Unicorn Job [Huge Pay Increase; 8am-5pm; Weekdays Only/ No Weekends/ No Holidays; plenty of PTO; Full Benefits; in an office, in the AC, in his smooth-ass office attire he loves wearing]. Oh, and hidden perk: apparently there are golf courses at some of these communities. My avid golfer is on Cloud 9 so bad right now.

His stars are finally aligning and it couldn't happen to a better, more deserving person. We will finally be working similar hours (we've been barely passing each other, if we're lucky), and both have weekends off together.... our lives, together, is about to start. 

So, back to what I started with... he's received an offer letter for a company that owns multiple communities around the Austin Area that was looking for an Assets & Property Manager. It is expected for him to complete his training at a downtown location while "his" property is completing construction, which he will then transition to once its done.

What are the final steps of this transition? Well, he has already applied, interviewed, and received an offer letter. He has accepted, completed a drug test, and waiting for his background to clear. He has a start date of Monday, Sept. 13th. He is so very invested in this position but trying to contain his excitement in an effort to remain cautious... even though I guess the only part left is for them to tell him what time to be there on Monday. 

He's worked so hard for this.
He deserves it a million times and more.