Career Day - Part 2

We both had our interviews on the same day. Friday, May 14th. I went first (I had Fridays off from work), and [WE] was tagged to come over (he was at work) as soon as mine was completed. 

For the record, I have never had an interview go as well as that one did. I absolutely slaughtered it. I answered everything, and have ZERO post-interview remorse (ie "I should have said xyz.") Nor any cringe moments. I went off the deep-end speculating how [WE] felt about his interview because there was no way it could have gone better than mine. 

Monday rolls around and I get a Secret Squirrel text message from another person in the department saying they overheard [WE] get cornered by the Lead & the Dept. Manager out in the hallway. They were asking [WE] how he thought it went and what was his feelings on the whole thing. Apparently, his didn't go as good as planned. His entire vibe was shut down and he responded with a few "I just don't think its going to work out." Shortly after, [AD] texted me to let me know he rescinded his application. 


I had to keep working beside him, so I refused to bring it up. 1) out of respect of his feelings. 2) I didn't want to make anything awkward.

Honestly, I had a gut feeling that Lead & Dept. Manager got ahold of him and there was some kind of enticement to get him to stay. I don't know if they promised him a pay increase, a retention bonus, or just guilted the F*CK out of him... but I swear they swindled him out of pursuing the opportunity further.

That's okay, because I got the job. I got the job and they wanted me in 2 weeks. I was blown away... I felt sure my current Dept. Manager would try to hold me hostage and drag the transfer out as LONG AS POSSIBLE... because that's how she is. She's a spiteful b*tch... but my new manager, wasn't having any of that. He was adamant about getting shit rolling and wasn't about to play any games. 

He told me I was officially being offered the job in person. Face-to-face. And it was in that conversation that I (trying to come across as graceful as possible) said I would be flexible.. that I had never transferred departments before, so if it took more than 2 weeks I would be understanding. 

And the reason I stated that, was because I knew they would need my help -- and as much as I wanted to look them in the eye and say "F*ck You".. It was more important to make sure my NEW boss knew I was a team player. 

So, sure enough. Old Hag Dept. Manager did exactly what I knew she would and asked to borrow me longer than what was stated (because surprise, surprise: [KC] went into labor early and our OUT days fell in the same exact week). However, new boss took into account what I said, and only granted her 2 additional weeks. I officially started in my new department June 7th. 

Between [KC] activating her maternity leave earlier than expected, and me finally dropping my "official" resignation/transferring departments email. The department went into an Atomic Tail-Spin. My gut instinct was 1000% correct about how I would be the "default" overnighter when she left. Well, with my notice, they had to scramble to find someone else to do it. I now belonged to someone else and they couldn't jack my schedule anymore. Instead, they held a meeting and tagged [JF]'s lazy ass to do it. I wasn't invited to that meeting, but I wish I could have been a fly on the wall. I know he was beyond livid. Oh well.

Fast forward to the last week of August.

I have been going through some rigorous training - Covid19 has been making steady training really hard. We have cut our Out Patients and Electives, so it's very slow going, but in spite of all the obstacles, I've managed to start doing my own Diagnostic Procedures, solo. 

The new department is a dream come true. My work schedule is 7:00am - 3:30pm, we all go to breakfast and lunch together; we have happy hours; the vendors bring us lunch 2 or 3 times a week; the team is hilarious and I fit in; my mental health has improved 10x. I'm never out of the loop because we operate as a team. The change of scenery has been beautiful.

I still have a long way to go, but I'm finally at a place that I can feel like I pull some weight. I love what I do. So far, I love who I do it with. [AD] is a complete life saver. I owe her a LOT. This is what I envisioned my coworker "crew" resembling. 

The transfer came with a raise. I will get another substantial raise when I am cleared to go OnCall without training wheels. Plus the department gets a 5% raise in November as part of a Hospital Wide initiative. 

God works in mysterious and wonderful ways. Sometimes its just hard remembering that, especially when its not seeming to go the way you want it to go. The right opportunity will make itself available to you.