Breaking Bad Habits

Now that I have transitioned to my new job, my significant other is transitioning to his, we are settled into the house, and both actually have the literal Time Of Day to do extra curricular activities - I've been inflicted with a super bad desire to start back up with Pilates.

I originally had to cancel my membership because all extra expenses needed to stop when we were going through the Credit Approval phase for the house. It was bittersweet, but I also knew they were building a Club Pilates 5 minutes from where our house would be and I had every intention on switching to that one instead of making the 30 minute trek to the previous location.

Now, I am currently going through a self-induced detox...

Due to my weird shift-worker schedule that I'd had for years, I had just gotten used to making it to the store at any chance I go (grocery, Target, etc) because I was never able to go when I got off late. So, now that I get out at 3:30pm, I have this built-in compulsion to go immediately to the store. 

It doesn't help that I know [AP] won't be home, so I'm not in a rush to get there, and during my intensive training, I made sure NOT to go home because I would absolutely crash out in a hardcore nap (and I didn't want to ruin my sleeping schedule). All these factors equate to a shopping compulsion.

However, now that all these peripheral things have calmed down - I realize I need to not shop til I drop, and.. honestly, I'm missing my Pilates. I figure even at the $200 monthly price tag, that is STILL cheaper than what I was spending by constantly shopping.

I drove by the location close to my house today, but they had already closed (it's Labor Day) because I wanted to pick up a price sheet. I also re-downloaded the app to see if I could log back in to see the schedule. I'll tell you with 100% honesty that I'm actually considering the unlimited monthly pass. I figure, getting out at 3:30 leaves me ample time to hit up a class - any day of the week - before they close at 8pm. [AP] won't be getting home from his new job until at least 6pm, simply because of traffic. That leaves a 3-hour window I can safely dedicate to me. I have been wanting to do some form of self-care or exercise outside of work too. Between all the super stressful changes and schedule-flipping, my diet has fallen off the wagon BIG time, but now its time to get back on the horse.

Fingers crossed!