The Heavy Stuff

I was warned over and over and over that learning my way around the CathLab was going to be like relearning an entire new career. 

It is.

Breaking Bad Habits

Now that I have transitioned to my new job, my significant other is transitioning to his, we are settled into the house, and both actually have the literal Time Of Day to do extra curricular activities - I've been inflicted with a super bad desire to start back up with Pilates.

I originally had to cancel my membership because all extra expenses needed to stop when we were going through the Credit Approval phase for the house. It was bittersweet, but I also knew they were building a Club Pilates 5 minutes from where our house would be and I had every intention on switching to that one instead of making the 30 minute trek to the previous location.

Now, I am currently going through a self-induced detox...

Someone Deserving

So I'm going to take a moment here to put it in the Cosmos that my other half is currently in the final steps of making a potential Career Transition. He has been working so insanely diligently to complete his Real Estate & Property Management education so that he can officially change into a more flourishing career. 

After everyone shuttered their doors last year (and the resulting layoffs) due to Corona, we had a serious discussion about him wanting to change into a career path that offered more security in the long run. He is wonderful at everything he does, but the Hospitality/F&B/Bar Management industry was a difficult one to adjust to (I'll admit, it was me). The late hours, the intoxicated people... the whole vibe was unsettling for me. Yes, I'm the one with the insecurities.  

Him.. being his normal, super receptive self, was on board with trying to get out of the current industry. We put our heads together and, oddly, it came to us while we were out grocery shopping -- Real Estate. We had been discussing what were some options that had quickest turn-around for lowest investment... and something that could supplement his Bachelor's Degree in Pre-Law. 

Career Day - Part 2

We both had our interviews on the same day. Friday, May 14th. I went first (I had Fridays off from work), and [WE] was tagged to come over (he was at work) as soon as mine was completed. 

For the record, I have never had an interview go as well as that one did. I absolutely slaughtered it. I answered everything, and have ZERO post-interview remorse (ie "I should have said xyz.") Nor any cringe moments. I went off the deep-end speculating how [WE] felt about his interview because there was no way it could have gone better than mine. 

Monday rolls around and I get a Secret Squirrel text message from another person in the department saying they overheard [WE] get cornered by the Lead & the Dept. Manager out in the hallway. They were asking [WE] how he thought it went and what was his feelings on the whole thing. Apparently, his didn't go as good as planned. His entire vibe was shut down and he responded with a few "I just don't think its going to work out." Shortly after, [AD] texted me to let me know he rescinded his application. 
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