Back in the game

In anticipation of all the scrutiny that goes into the Home Buying process, I shut everything down as far as extra-curricular subscriptions were concerned. Everything - with the exception of television related (Netflix, Hulu, HBO*go, etc) since we were still in the middle of the Pandemic and stuck largely  entertaining ourselves at home - was cut off. 

Things calmed down after we got into the house and finally establishing "a new norm." One morning, I woke up just a smidge earlier than normal -- I had enough time to actually put on a face of make-up before work (a rarity due to constant Covid masks). Reaching for my make-up organizer, I looked at my brushes and it dawned on me that it had been forever since I'd gotten a new one. I thought back to Ipsy and how I used to always get really great brushes... and I realized I didn't have anything.... fun.... or indulgent anymore. The longer this realization went on, it hit me I had made a single trip to Sephora over the last year, and it was a completely. different. experience

For those of you who didn't / couldn't / wouldn't visit a Sephora or Ulta, they literally escorted you around to everything. There was no swatching or sampling allowed. There was no testing textures, sniffing scrumptious scents, or lathering lotions... and while I  COMPLETELY understand why.. it was just completely NOT the same experience.

So after thinking about it a little bit, I mentioned it to [A] and he sort of laughed at me and asked if I was really asking permission to sign back up. Needless to say, I signed back up.. and every day since, I've been obsessively checking my email for a shipping update from them. LOL

Sidenote: When I realized I wanted to get back into subscription boxes, given that I'd tried a variety, I did want to go back to Ipsy. I had realized that I missed the brushes, the sheet masks, and a few other things that they seemed to offer that Sephora and Birchbox did not. It was at this point during a google search, that I learned Sephora has discontinued their PLAY! boxes. What the heck!! 

I'm going to go back to my personal reviewing habit - which does actually serves a purpose. While my audience here on this site might be miniscule and not intended for larger viewing, on multiple occasions, I have referenced my posts when trying to remember what [this] product or [that] product was. I have thanked myself over and over for keeping a small record of my swag bags. 

In the meantime, I'm over here just like a kid waiting for Christmas morning.