Feng Shui of the Brain (Pilates pt3)

Remember that sweat I said I broke into during my last Pilates class? Well, I got down and dirty with some muscles that haven't been disturbed in centuries. I have taken a few days to stretch it out at home (legitimately having "stretch" sessions) and I'm still feeling the effects.

This hasn't deterred me from wanting to go back - actually - it's made me want to go back even more. This is exactly what I wanted. I'm literally feeling obvious signs of progress, and I have been since the first session.

I am so glad I decided to do this.
I think I'm most excited about the fact I want to keep doing it. I haven't lost my motivation. For some reason, the last time I tried a Yoga class, it just never clicked with me. I never fell back in sync with it like I thought I would... which did strike me as odd.

But that was also in the huge "auditorium" style setting where the instructor had to use a microphone to talk to us. It wasn't personal at all. Everyone crowded around with their yoga mats in a terribly haphazard way. It ruined my Feng-Shui vibe.

Nope... not gonna jive that way. The way the studio allows for each person to completely concentrate, enabling them with their own designated space, yet having a neighbor to mirror... I can't really explain it.

So I remind myself, as I feel my body ache... trying to tread carefully in my descriptions about being sore.. "No Pain, No Gain." And when I say that, I'm not complaining... In this instance, what I'm gaining is so much more. It's working wonders for my Psyche. I'm catching a break mentally when I go. I get to zero-in on something as simple as breathing. Specifically. And with purpose. I get to focus on ME.

And "ME" includes the body that hasn't stretched in way too long. ME includes the super stiff back that I'm trying to loosen up. ME includes the brain that works way too much.

Things are falling into place. In all aspects. Career.. Physically.. Personally..
And sure, there's had to be a bit of some sore, pulled muscles along the way, but we're coming together nicely.